150% organic traffic boost to BOFU pages

150.689% organic traffic increase in 13 months...to BOFU e-commerce product and collection pages!

Here's how:

First off, I'm proud of the team we've built at uSERP. We don't just build links like a link vendor. We formulate growth strategy and put plans into action that make our clients more money.

With this client, we faced stagnant traffic and "stuck" product and collection pages. The goal: increase traffic to products and collections and reduce reliance on paid ad spend.

Step 1. Identify cannibalized pages and create better categories

One of the most common mistakes in e-commerce SEO is having too many pages competing against one another for a category term.

We reformulated categories and made them keyword-focused. Instead of 15 pages centered around "tweed pants" variations, we broke them down.

Category collection: tweed pants.

Products pages: [color,style,variation] tweed pants.

Now, they don't compete against themselves with major fluctuations. They capture head and long-tail terms with no path confusion.

Step 2. Links and more links

If someone tells you that "you don't need links"...run. Forbes outranks medical websites for medical terms. Enough said.

The key:

You can't just "get links" to any page. You need....

  • Good quality backlinks

  • To key pages that are worthwhile improving rankings for (hint: they will drive revenue)

  • With the right anchor text spread

  • And do it consistently over months and years

Step 3. Micro-adjustments in headlines and on-page

With the foundation set and links coming in, your next biggest level is improving CTR and on-page signals.

Test headlines to see what produces better CTR. Fix thin-content and internal linking. SEO is a case by case basis, but often boils down to the same things:

  1. Structure your site well for search engines and users, and set the foundation (technical, structure, etc)

  2. Build authority and brand (links, PR)

  3. Educate, capture, retain audience (content)

