SEO Power Plays #52

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SEO tip: Is your budget tapped out for the quarter and you need short-term ROI from SEO?

Do a backlink audit to find your most linked-to pages. Then, optimize these pages for conversions to capitalize on that referral traffic.

What can you do?

  • Add a CTA to join your newsletter

  • Internally link to your “money pages”

  • Embed testimonials and case studies for your product

Use a backlink audit tool to find those target pages in minutes (I like Semrush). Then, plan and complete your optimizations for the rest of this quarter.

To set yourself up for long-term ROI, do two things:

  • Drive more quality links to these already linkable assets

  • Make more of these pages (and drive new links to those)


The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

The secret to growing on LinkedIn in 2024

There's a rising demand for high-quality video content on LinkedIn. This presents a major opportunity for brands (and thought leaders) ready to step in.

Here’s how you can capitalize:

  1. Grab your company's existing video assets, like interviews or webinars

  2. Generate dozens of clips using OpusClip

  3. Schedule your whole month’s worth of video clips on LI using our new Calendar feature

  4. Reply to comments on your videos to foster your new connections

Want the full breakdown, with examples from companies like SaaStr and Chili Piper? Read it for free here